My Convertible Life

Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday's Favorite Five: Spring

Harbingers of spring take different forms for different people. For some, it's the start of baseball practice or the panic of tax day. For my dad, it's probably the spring football game in Blacksburg this weekend (go Hokies!).

For me, it's the fact that the forecast for next four days is sunny and 90 (sorry for those of you not reading this from the South). Although the temps might feel more like summer, I'm so relieved that it finally means we've turned the corner away from winter.

In honor of this sunny Friday, here are my favorite five signs that Spring has truly arrived:
  1. Pollen: Okay, not so much the sneeze-inducing, car-covering yellow mess. But I do love what it does to my yard, especially this year. Front and back, our garden is filled with blooming azaleas (see photo), irises, tulips, camellias, dogwoods and more on the way. It's absolutely gorgeous.

  2. Outdoor concerts: The only thing better than a good live music show is a good live music show outside with a picnic. We just reserved our tickets for two shows at the N.C. Museum of Art amphitheater -- Pink Martini and a kids show with They Might Be Giants.

  3. Gin & Tonics: I discovered the G&T when I was living in the UK, but I fell in love with it as a warm-weather drink when my husband first made one for me. He's a great bartender, and you know it's spring when he puts away the whiskey and brings out the limes.

  4. Top down: I am a convertible girl -- have been since my father bought a 1972 Fiat Spider when I was 10. Nothing heals my spirit faster than driving with the top down on a sunny spring day (while wearing sunscreen, of course).

  5. Post-dinner playtime: With longer daylight hours, the kids can go outside and play after dinner. There's just something lovely about listening to my children laugh as they run around the yard with Daddy in the evening.
So how do you know it's spring? And what little things do you do to celebrate the season?

1 comment:

  1. Trees are blooming. The furnace goes off and the AC goes on. We've had the AC on 2 days this week! Of course the UCDavis signs of spring- bathing suits and frisbees!


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